Monday, June 16, 2008

Birthdays and Photography

Today, I was born way back sometime in the '80's. It was a good decade, and there are a ton of photos chronicling every year that followed the day I was born. I have no photos to show for my actual birthday that is today, however. Like most other photographers, I carry my camera around like house keys. A point and shoot is a staple in my purse. Lately, I've been reserving things for my memory and writings, and this weekend I decided to pull back, close my purse, and enjoy my friends. Of course, I would rather store my significant events in photographs. They're safer and more substantive there. And for a visual person, how much more appropriate can a photo be?

Sometimes, though, I drift into photography, and become a pure observer. So, to stick around at my own party...I put my camera away and had a nice full day with some of my favorite people.

You guys are so cool...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have your Blog bookmarked and every once in a while I read your posts. I hope you had a happy birthday. Of course I rememeber the day you were born and along with that memory the first year.